Adding texture is the key to transitioning from pureed foods to table foods.

Adding texture is the key to transitioning from pureed foods to table foods. 

Using the Vitamix machine to finely chop foods and mix them into purees is so easy! You can process vegetables, pastas, beans, and fruits then stir them into your toddler's favorite baby food puree, and presto, you're done! It's far healthier than commercially prepared toddler meals, because you're using whole foods, not fillers. 

Because toddlers sometimes don't eat much at one sitting, being sure you give them the most nutrient-dense meal is essential. The nutrient-deficient modified food starches in processed meals will not give your toddler the nutrition-or the taste-you'll get with Vitamix-made meals Try one or two things to start and marvel at your toddler's reaction to these new tastes and textures! Get your camera ready!