Studies Regarding Eye Health

  1. Lutein is a phytochemical found in papayas and it helps protect the eyes and research suggests it can reduce the risk of macular degeneration – “Papaya juice superfruit drink rich in vitamins and leutin,” on OzScientific
  2. A Harvard University study found that women who ate spinach more than five times a week had a 47 percent decrease in risk of cataract surgery compared with those who ate spinach less than once a month – “Spinach: A Health Powerhouse,” at from Dec 5, 1999
  3. Lutein, found in spinach, can also benefit eye health by reducing the risk of macular degeneration – “Improved Nutrition May Reduce The Risk of Macular Degeneration,” at American Macular Degeneration Foundation website
  4. A diet rich in carotenoids may protect against cataract development – “Plasma Antioxidant Vitamins and Carotenoids and Age-related Cataract,” in Ophthalmology, v.108, issue 11 (November, 2001), p. 1992-1998