Studies Regarding Heart Disease Prevention

  1. The risk of ischaemic heart disease decreases by 15% when fruit consumption is quadrupled and vegetable consumption is doubled – “By how much does fruit and vegetable consumption reduce the risk of ischaemic heart disease?” in Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine v.39 1998
  2. Evidence demonstrates that a diet rich in plant food lowers the risk of developing heart disease – “Diet and prevention of coronary heart prevention: the potential role of phytochemicals,” in Cardiovascular Research v.47 2000
  3. An exclusive natural food diet can increase dietary fiber – “Dietary Fiber in Treatment of Diabetes: Myth or Reality?” in Digestive and Liver Diseases v.34 2002
  4. Clinical and laboratory studies support increased consumption of high fiber foods as part of the strategy to reduce the risk of heart disease – “Dietary Fiber, the evolution of the human diet and coronary heart disease,” in Nutrition Research v.18 1998
  5. Papaya is a good source of fiber and there is evidence that it lowers cholesterol – “Papaya, fruit of angels,” on FreshPlaza, Global Fresh Produce and Banana News on September 11, 2007
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis patients who eat a gluten-free vegan diet have had their rheumatoid arthritis improve and the diet could in turn better protected against heart attacks and stroke - “Gluten-free Vegan Diet May Protect Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from Heart Attack, Stroke, Study Suggests,” in Science Daily
  7. Elevated plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for heart disease and folic acid supplements can reduce plasma homocysteine – “Folates and Prevention of Disease,” in Public Health Nutrition v.4 p. 601-609
  8. **Because a natural food diet can increase dietary fiber (1.3) and a diet high in dietary fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease (1.4) a natural foods diet can reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, papaya is a good source of fiber (1.7) and therefore may help reduce the risk of heart disease.