Studies Regarding Lower Cholesterol

  1. Peanut butter based diets as compared to the American Heart Association’ s Step II Diet lowered triglycerides but not HDL and they both lowered LDL. Overall, the peanut butter based diet was better - “Super Foods for Men and Women
  2. Papaya is a good source of fiber and there is evidence that it lowers cholesterol – “Papaya, fruit of angels,” on FreshPlaza, Global Fresh Produce and Banana News on September 11, 2007
  3. A diet rich of rich enriched with brown rice extracts could be beneficial as a functional food to lower cholesterol – “Effect of Processed Rice with Brown Rice Extracts on Serum Cholesterol Level,” in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2007, v.34, p.S87-S89
  4. Pomegranate juice may help lower total cholesterol – “Juice Up Your Diet,” on from June 11, 2008
  5. Small amounts of polyphenols in dark chocolate can impact blood pressure – scientists found that 0.2oz of dark chocolate shaved three systolic points and two diastolic points off a hypertensive subjects blood pressure – “DNA of Antioxidants,” on from April 16, 2008
  6. Intake of phytosterols reduces cholesterol absorption and lowers serum total and LDL cholesterol levels in humans – “Cholesterol-lowering effect of plant sterols,” in the European Journal of Lipid Science Technology 2000 pg. 37-44